mainआलेख-राशिफलब्रेकिंग न्यूज़


-Dr.CP Trivedi

Veda is the first word of a civilized person on Earth. The world is suffering from the superstition of modern development, which is only halfway to touching the Vedic height of development. The modern development of science and technology has created a threat to the existence of life on the earth with global warming, depletion of the ozone layer with the ‘Green House Effect’, and the threat of Nuclear war to destroy the present civilization.

Vedas are not religious scriptures. Upnishads are not Veda, Puranas were written to teach the original evolution of the creation in a symbolic anthropomorphic manner to preserve the Vedic knowledge with the personification of natural forces as demons and deities, it has been turned into myths of mythology with a long history and fancy of the narrator. Without the full knowledge of the creation and life on the earth, Vedic word symbols are like ]Black Buffalo’ o History, No Religion nor a God.

Western philosophers put forward the philosophy of Life God and Soul, It has brought forward six systems of philosophy in India, the Upanishads deal with the philosophy of God and Soul with Vedic Source and said God and Soul is one.

The Vedic knowledge of creation embodies in the Puranas symbolically for the common people.

The Vedic seers have indicated it in the first hymn of the ÿg-Veda through the metaphor of Yaj¤a Rig. 1-1-1

I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the Srishti, Yaj¤a, which is the treasure of jewels.

I invoke fundamental energy, he is the priest as controller of the creation sacrifice-yaj¤a, he is the Deva-fundamental particles of the yaj¤a. He is a sacrificer, which means he adds fuel in the creation for yaj¤a-actions and interactions, he is the reciter- who chants the hymns during the yaj¤a, it means he is the source of actions in the creation and he is a treasure of jewels. It means the fundamental energy is the source of everything, which is going on and present in the creation.

The Bio-geo-chemical cycle

Through sacrifice the Gods accomplished their sacrifice: these were the earliest ordinances. These Mighty ones attained the height of heaven there where the Sadhyas Gods of old are dwelling.Rig.1-164-50, Rig. 10–90–16

The Yaj¤a-sacrifice means action and interactions, here it has been said that from actions and interactions again actions and interactions are generated, where according to the cosmic law, Deva ² fundamental particles are the first, with their activity, they reach to the height of matter, and the fundamental particles- Deva. It means initially the fundamental particles are the first in the series of activities and interactions, through their activity, they are converted into matter and again reach their original old state of Deva ² fundamental particle, it indicates the natural cycles, through which the natural components are synthesized and disintegrated in the reversible direction, through the bio-geo-chemical cycle in nature.

Veda means Knowledge of Three immortal ‘TRAYI VIDHYA’ RIG, YAJU AND SAMA’

The creation is the trinity of the three immortal, the knowledge of the three is ‘Trayi Vidhya’ ‘Rig-immortal space, Sky ensign of existence, Yaju-rapidly moving immortal electron, and Sama’ immortal vibration wave phonon

Pre-cosmic dark atmosphere dormant unborn fundamental energy

Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness this all was in discriminated chaos.

All that existed then was void and formless: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit (Rig. Veda 10-129-3)

The pre-cosmic condition Great Dark Night

The Great Dark Night is the appearance of immortal phonon shock waves as the darkness within the darkness with equal and opposite character to unborn fundamental energy. It is like this that the shock waves appear before the earthquake. The appearance of the shock waves with equal and opposite characters immortal unborn, antimagnetic without charge is the ensign of existence in the unfathomed darkness like the appearance of the sky in the sky the precursor unit of the solar system.

The space has given the place to the shock waves for vibration with noise. It is like this that when we raise a whip in the air a sound is generated in the same fashion a vibration wave generated an immortal phonon, the smallest unit of sound. The phonon wave strikes and rebounds with a press mark The dark matter is the dark inactive dormant magnetism, and shock waves acquire induced magnetic power with compulsion and repulsion with a press mark. It is like touch and goes reaction and at the point of pressmark has developed an equal and opposite wavelength to activate dark inactive fundamental energy with electron configuration in the opposite direction. It has activated the fundamental energy in action with the Big bang.

Big Bang

The phonon waves tarried for millions of years with movement in opposite directions like abhorrent floods. The compression and concentration of the phonon waves created a temperature and pressure in the center, it activated the dormant fundamental energy in action with blast and light. The phono and phonon run parallel as the dualistic force of fundamental energy in action. The immortal phonon smallest unit of sound vibration wave stimulates the event and the photon smallest unit of light undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc²

The Photon and phonon run parallel with a blast in incandescent gaseous clouds.

A few millionths of a second later, quarks aggregated to produce protons and neutrons. Within minutes, these protons and neutrons combined into nuclei. As the universe continued to expand and cool, things began to happen more slowly. As the universe continued to expand and cool, things began to happen more slowly. It took about 380,000 years.

The flow of the photon and phonon has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the underlying space Higgs field granted mass to the elementary particles with the formation of asteroids and planets. Both have maintained their continuity in the molecule matter and the cell body. The Higgs field is the ensign of existence. How do the elementary particles get the Mass?

Higgs field and mass to the elementary particles.

The electromagnetic waves of light travel with vibration and sound together, just like dancers. The elementary particles adhered to space, the sound of vibration, touched, press the mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. The presser compression with touch and go change the wavelength with the configuration of electrons moving around the nucleus with phonic atomic effect, and impart mass to elementary particles.

The photon and phonon are two complementary independent forces of vital energy. They interact at the molecular level with the configuration of electron and half-spin change in complementary wavelength.

Rig-SPACE immortal space From Darkness to Light; TAM SOMA JYOTIRGMAY

The appearance of immortal space with light has vanished the darkness




In the precosmic condition, nothing was there only deep darkness. The dormant fundamental energy came into action with blast and light with electron configuration. The generation of the immortal electrons is the manifestation of the vital fundamental energy in existence with immortal equal and opposite wavelengths of electrons, which act with electron configuration and half spin change in the opposite wavelength and the photon undergo the synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc², with this the creation came into the existence.

The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all. DNA has the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with time, with three stages of life with three immortal. The ‘’ fundamental energy appears with birth and disappears with death. with movement in the opposite direction with vibrations.

The shock waves appeared like unborn’s image. With equal and opposite forces and tarried for many years. It has been described as the ‘Tapsya’ labor of ‘Sati’ for ‘Shiva’ to awaken him from trance in an anthropomorphic manner.

Shiva in trance and ‘Sati’

The Shiva in trance is the personification of calm and quiet deep darkness in a pre-cosmic atmosphere, and ‘Sati’ is the personification of companion shock waves hidden in darkness within.

These Brahma‡aspati produced with blast and smelting, like a smith, Existence in an earlier age of Gods, from Non-existence sprang. 2.

The creation has evolved from fundamental energy. How the fundamental energy has generated the cosmic world and how the solar system with nature came into the existence. It has been expressed symbolically that Brahma‡aspati-fundamental energy has produced the cosmic world with blast and smelting just like a smith. It has been expressed that Just like a blacksmith blows up his fire and melts metal in the same fashion the non-existent -fundamental energy sprang up into existence with the condensation of the heat energy into the fundamental particles of the Aditi-micro nature, with this the nonexistent (precosmic calm and quiet condition) sprang into being with a blast. The photon and phonon run in a straight way with a blast.

The incandescent gaseous clouds and gigantic radiations were generated first, before the formation of the solar system. With time the earth cooled down with floods of water and the movement of molten mass generated the magnetosphere around the earth with the ozone layer in the atmosphere. It has given the way for the origin of life.

I saw from far away the smoke of fuel with spires that rose on high beneath it. The Mighty men have dressed the spotted bullock. These were the customs in the days of foretime Rig.1-164-43.

The mighty fundamental energy dressed the Spotted Bullock, Immortal Twashta DNA as a vehicle of life, where the fundamental energy appears with the origin of life and disappears with death, under the cycle of rebirth and dearth.

The germ of the world ensign of all creation springs to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over when the five tribes brought a sacrifice to Agni (Rig. 10-45-6)

The five tribes; five gross elements Pa¤ca Mahabhuta, Air water, sky, energy, and matter; the assembly of these five with energy transformation is a sign of life with resonant vibrations.

Three immortal

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)

Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.

Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)

The germ of the world ensign of all creation springs to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over when the five tribes brought a sacrifice to Agni (ÿg. 10-45-6)

The Sarasvati thought words ensign existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.

The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.


The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.


The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living-beings

The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all. DNA has the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with time, with three stages of life with three immortal. The ‘’ fundamental energy appears with birth and disappears with death.

Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single;

Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single; Twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’ and Time

The ‘Jyotirlinga’ radiant flame embodies the secret of the creation. The radiant flame appeared with the cosmology Big Bang as first symbol of the fundamental energy in action. All the components of the creation were synthesized from it with the energy transformation and merged into the same with time.

Twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’

The flow of the photon and phonon has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the underlying space Higgs field granted mass to the elementary particles with the formation of asteroids and planets. It has brought forward the sun in action as a source of light and energy with a strong magnetic field. The rotation of the sun at its axis has given the concept of time as a great event MAHAKAL’ Jyotirlinga at Ujjain, as one wheel chariot and the twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’ in India represents Twelve fellies Twelve ‘Aditya’ twelve faces of the sun with 360 days cycle of one ‘Samvatsar Kal’ under which the creation is working as a system under the cycle of six seasons.

Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood it? Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty which in nowise can be loosened. Rig. 1-164-48

It has been indicated here that all the phenomena on the earth are going on under the wheel of the year. It has twelve months, and three hundred and sixty days with three centers, Sky, the Atmosphere, and the earth. It indicates the yearly cycle of the months and seasons. Under the wheel of the year, nature exhibits its functions.

The radiant flame ‘Jyoti’ appeared on its own with cosmology, the ‘Jyotirling’ is known as ‘SWAYAM BHU’ self-originated.

He drives the sun and planets like a car wheel.

Sa Suryah paryuru varansyendro va vratyadrathyeva chakra Rig.10-89-2 A

Surya is he; throughout the wide expenses shall Indra turn him, swift as car wheel, hither.

He drives the sun and others like the wheel of the Rath car.

The great Event Time ‘Kal’ ‘MAHAKAL Ujjain is the center of calculation of Time with an ancient observatory, the ‘Jyotirlinga’ is placed from where the Cancer meridian line passes at 23.5 degrees latitude.


The sun is directly overhead at noon on the Tropic of Cancer on June 21 (the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere

JAI MAHAKAL OM is that truth

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